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Japan Products

Skin Analysis Software CM-SA

2017-10-19      Click:375

The CA-SA skin analysis software works in conjunction with 日本 spectrophotometers to measure the color of skin. This software does this simultaneously with a numerical display of the Hemoglobin (Hb) Index, Melanin Index, and Hemoglobin oxygen saturation (Hb SO2) Index. By using our CM-700D/CM-600D spectrophotometer along with the CM-SA skin analysis software, measurements can be performed simply by applying the instrument lightly to the subject's skin and pressing one single button.

There is an increasing demand for these measurements in the field of skin research and development. To that end, this software is tremendously valuable. For example, such measurements are used to measure the effects of sun tanning on skin in order to prevent damage. These measurements are also used to match cosmetics. This software and instrument combination is perfect for taking precise readings of melanin pigmentation without it being affected by redness of the skin.

Data is easily grouped by the examinee; all one has to do is preset the number of measurements that are needed per person. Once that number is reached, it begins grouping the next set for the next examinee. Data can be output in CSV text format for additional assessment. Data can also be output to a spreadsheet program such as Excel for easy data management.


  • Easy to use simply place the instrument lightly on skin and press a single button to measure

  • Portable and powered by an AC adapter or battery

  • Bluetooth ready to communicate with a printer or PC

  • Preset measurements per person in order to consecutively collect data on multiple examinees

  • Data can be easily formatted, transferred, or managed by using Excel or other spreadsheet programs

  • Three Index calculations Hb (Hemoglobin), Melanin, and Hb SO2 (Hemoglobin oxygen saturation)


Model CM-SA Skin Analysis Software
Skin data display Melanin Index
Hb Index [Total hemoglobin (oxidized + reduced) index]
Hb SO2 Index(%) [Hemoglobin oxygen saturation index(%)]
Colorimetric value display L*, a*, b*, Munsell value (Hue, Value, Chroma)*1
Graph display Hue-Value Graph, Hb Index-Melanin Index Graph
Data Handling Saving/reading data in CM-SA original format
Saving data in text (SCV) format
[Melanin Index, Hb Index, Hb SO2 Index(%), L*, a*, b*, Munsell value (Hue, Value, Chroma), Spectral reflectance (400-700 na)*2

PRE : About Colibri® Color Management Suite
NEXT : SpectraMagic™ NX Color Data Software