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CAS 140D CCD Array Spectrophotometer

2017-10-20      Click:393

The CAS 140D represents the fourth generation of the worldwide extremely successful series of high-end array spectrometers from Instrument Systems. It combines all advantages of the CAS 140CT in terms of measurement accuracy and reliability with sustainable technical optimization for increased repeatability and stability in every environment.

As a result, it offers even more versatile applications – from the reference instrument in national calibration laboratories to continuous production. A wide range of accessories complement the spectrometer to create a complete system for a wide range of spectroradiometric and photometric measurement tasks. Thanks to the modern housing and improved optical and mechanical design, the instrument is even more functional, but smaller and simpler to integrate into existing measurement environments.



  • High-end CCD detector, cooled and back-illuminated

  • Down to 4 ms integration time

  • Spectrograph with minimum stray light and enhanced throughput

  • Integrated density filter wheel

  • USB, PCIe or Ethernet interface

  • "Plug & play" accessory identification


Spectral range 200 - 800 nm 220 - 1020 /
300 - 1100 nm
360 - 830 nm 380 - 1040 nm
Detector Back-thinned CCD
Number of pixels (vertically binned) 1024 x 128
Spectral resolution1 2.7 nm 3.7 nm 2.2 nm 3.0 nm
Datapoint interval 0.6 nm 0.8 nm 0.5 nm 0.65 nm
Wavelength accuracy< ±0.3 nm
Integration time 4 msec - 65 sec
Shortest duration SOT to EOT2 6 ms
Sensor dynamic range3 37,000:1
Non-Linearity ±0.5 %
Cooling -10 °C
Stray light
Broadband for Illuminant A4 5·10-4
With laser5 5·10-5
Irradiance6 [W/m2 nm] 5·10-8 - 500 2·10-8 - 200 3·10-8 - 300 2·10-8 - 200
Measurement uncertainty7 (dom. wavelength / color coordinates)
Accuracy ±0.5 nm / ±0.0015 ±0.5 nm / ±0.002 ±0.5 nm / ±0.0015 ±0.5 nm / ±0.002
Measurement uncertainty7 (irradiance and illuminance)
Accuracy ±3.5 %
Baseline noise8 ±0.4 %
Transmission measuring accuracy9 ±0.5 % T
Baseline drift10 0.15 %/h
Focal length, grating Approx. 120 mm f/3.5 / plane ruled grating
Slit 50 μm, 100 μm or 250 μm
Filter wheel / Shutter Max. 7 slots for density filters OD 0.5 to OD 4; UV/VIS and UV/VIS/NIR with UV density filters; position monitoring with encoder
Electrical data
AD converter 24 Bit resolution, Chip 16 Bit
PC interface USB 2.0, PCIe, Ethernet
Triggering 1 TTL input with ascending slope; 2 software-controlled TTL outputs;
1 TTL output with flash pulse
Dimensions (H, W, D) 144 x 341 x 359 mm3
Power supply Wide-range input 100 - 240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Power consumption Max. 70 VA
Ambient temperature 15 - 35 °C; relative humidity 0 - 70 % max., non-condensing
Weight Approx. 9 kg
Valid standards In conformity with EN 60721-4-7 Class 7M2, EN 60721-4-7 Class 2M2,
EN 61326:2004-05 and EN 61010-2002-08

1 Applies to a 100 μm slit.
2 With USB interface.
3 For a single acquisition with 4 ms integration time.
4 Measured with edge filter OG455 at 400 nm, relative to peak intensity of unweighted spectral data.
5 Measured 150 nm to left of the peak wavelength, relative to peak intensity of unweighted spectral data.
6 Measured with optical probe EOP-120 and OFG-414 fiber bundle at 600 nm and signal/noise ratio of 10:1, without averaging.
7 Immediately after calibration relative to PTB traceable calibration standard. Refers to twofold standard deviation. Applies to the measurement and ambient conditions during calibration (e.g. without density filter, good signal level etc.).
8 With shortest integration time, without averaging and with 50% modulation. This value improves with appropriate averaging (e.g. 9x averaging results in a 3x reduction of noise).
9 Applies to optimum spectral range; with 10% transmission and immediately after recording an averaged baseline.
10 Typical value. Applies with LS100-130 light source after 1 hour warm-up

PRE : CA-310 Display Color Analyzer