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Color Accessories

New White Calibration Plate (accessory of NH300 & NH310

2017-11-08      Click:446
  New White Calibration Plate (accessory of NH300 & NH310 & NR200)

Colorimeter Cover with Built-in White Calibration Plate (accessory of NH300 & NH310); It’s an easy, simple and fast auto white calibration technology at startup which can escape from the traditional complex manual white and black calibration.

  New White Calibration Plate (accessory of NH300 & NH310 & NR200)

  In 2016, we use new white calibration plate for Colorimeter Model NH310 & NH300 & NR200.

  New White Calibration Plate (accessory of NH300 & NH310 & NR200)


  The following image is the old white calibration plate and it is not production from now on.

  white calibration board



  When not use NH300 and NH310 colorimeter, you can put the cover on to protect colorimeter from the dust. Meanwhile, because it has built-in white calibration plate, 3nh colorimeter will complete white calibration automatically when starting up.

  Product Description

  Innovation patent description-Auto White Calibration

  It’s an easy, simple and fast auto white calibration technology at startup which can escape from the traditional complex manual white and black calibration.

  Customer Feedback

  When I start up the colorimeter, it will complete white and black calibration without any consciousness. That’s really convenient!

  Unlike the old colorimeter, I have to operate many times to enter measurement status.

PRE : White & Black Calibration Plate for YS spectrophotometer
NEXT : 3nh Color Quality Controller System CQCS3 (Software)CQCS3