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Camera Test Chart

2000 lines 8x 3NH iso 12233 test chart camera lens test char

2017-10-25      Click:719

2000 lines 8x 3NH iso 12233 test chart

Brand: 3nh

What is an ISO 12233 Chart?

The ISO 12233 Chart is the I3A/ISO standard for measuring the resolution of electronic still imaging cameras. The chart I am using is a very expensive, finely printed variation of the ISO 12233 standard that extends resolution to 4,000 lines per picture height (l/ph) and features other benefits as well. This chart serves as a good visual indicator of sharpness as well as CA (Chromatic Aberration) and distortion.

iso 12233 resolution test chart


Resolution test chart is the standard proof which can provide aided testing for vertical resolution and horizontal resolution of actual shooting.


Resolution test uses ISO 12233 resolution test chart and adopts unified shooting angle and environment.

The calculation of resolution test uses HYRes software, and the calculation will be done in two parts: vertical resolution and horizontal resolution.

Digital camera assessment is different from other products. It’s unlike laptop and DIY which have a lot of software to test objective data and everything can be seen from the data. However, assessing the quality of digital camera not only needs certain objective data, but also needs to combine actual operation and the shooting proofs. Therefore, our assessment is based on the principle of objective data and combined rational analysis from the experienced reviewers to obtain the most objective assessment results.

ISO 12233 resolution test chart is in accordance with ISO 12233 standard “Photography- Electronic Photographic Image-Measurement”. In active area of 1x size, the error is only 0.1mm when measuring the height of 20cm. It has almost all the characteristics of most resolution charts.

The following is a complete product line:

Regular Standard Specification



0.5X (10x17.8 cm), semimatt (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


Product No: NQ-10-50A


1X (20x35.6 cm), semimatt (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


Product No: NQ-10-100A


2X (40x71.1 cm), semimatt (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


Product No: NQ-10-200A


4X (80x142.2 cm), semimatt (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


Product No: NQ-10-400A


8X (160x284.4 cm), semimatt (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


Product No: NQ-10-800A



0.75X (15x36 cm), semimatt (normative contrast), image on photographic paper

1.5X (30x72 cm), semimatt (normative contrast), image on photographic paper

3X (60x144 cm), semimatt (normative contrast), image on photographic paper

4X (80x192 cm), semiglossy (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


0.5X (10x17,8 cm), matt (low contrast), image on photographic paper


1X (20x35,6 cm), matt (low contrast), image on photographic paper


2X (40x71,1 cm), matt (low contrast), image on photographic paper


4X (80x142,2 cm), matt (low contras), image on photographic paper


High Glossy(For Transmissive)

0.1X (2x3,56 cm), high glossy (high contrast), image on opaque film


0.5X (10x17,8 cm), high glossy (high contrast), image on opaque film


1X (20x35,6 cm), high glossy (high contrast), image on opaque film



Glossy & Semiglossy(For Transmissive)

0.5X (10x17,8 cm), glossy (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


1X (20x35,6 cm), glossy (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


2X (40x71,1 cm), glossy (normative contrast), image on photographic paper


4X (80x142,2 cm), glossy (normative contrast), image on photographic paper



Matt Test Chart / Reflective: Matt Test Chart is often used in reflective light box (3nh Reflective Light Box)

Glossy Test Chart / Transmissive: Glossy Test Chart is often used in transmissive light box (3nh Transmissive Light Box)


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