Infrared Targets
SineImage’s specialized Infrared targets support testing in short to medium wavelengths (1.4-8microns) and long
wavelengths (815 microns). SineImage’s standard, inkjetprinted test charts work in nearinfrared wavelengths
up to 1.4microns.The targets produce adequate contrast to effectively test a range of infrared camera systems.
These test charts include high resolution slantededges that can measure sharpness variations across the
entire image sensor. The targets support analysis of other key IR image quality factors, including noise and distortion.
Available Sizes:61 x 91 cm (2 x 3 feet).
MWIR target also available in 91 x 122 cm (3 x 4 feet).
Larger sizes are available upon request.
These two targets are constructed differently and use unique materials in order to measure their respective IR wavelengths.
The MWIR target is produced using a silkscreened SFRplus print on an aluminum sheet.
Contrast is produced due to the difference in emissivity between the different paints.
The LWIR target has a heated aluminum backplane. Insulated spacers help float the cooler plasmacut SFRplus aluminum front plane. The target is painted in a powdercoated matte to diffuse specular reflections. Temperature difference between front and back planes produce contrast in the LWIR target.