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Color Card

2015 Edition PANTONE Fashion + Home TCX Color Card / Cotton

2017-09-11      Click:355

2015 Edition PANTONE Fashion + Home TCX Color Card

2,100 market-driven fashion, home and interiors colors in a single, convenient desktop volume.

Our popular Cotton Planner features the complete PANTONE Fashion + Home TCX Color System in a new chromatic arrangement designed for quick color decisions and easy color lookup.

Cotton Planner’s value price and handy size make it the right choice for entry-level design or as a quick-reference companion to our larger format cotton products.

The ideal space-saving solution for:

Small teams • Freelancers • Small Studios • Satellite offices

New chromatic arrangement – all 175 new colors added in 2011 are now integrated into the chromatic flow, for intuitive selection and easy reference. 5/8” x 5/8” chips in 100% cotton, numerically referenced with Fashion + Home Color Names and Numbers.

pantone color card

  • Contains a broad palette of 2,100 fashion-driven colors arranged by color family in one convenient binder.
  • All colors are dyed on 100% cotton and are presented in a chip-size format.
  • Every color is numerically referenced and follows the same color and numerical format as its swatch file complement.
  • Includes COLOR MANAGER software download for digital design
  • A standard language of communication that is understood around the world.
  • A simple desktop reference that bestows a dictionary of color choices.
  • This color-at-a-glance publication takes the guesswork out of finding that special shade.
  • Provides the most accurate and effective way to communicate and specify color choices to clients and manufacturers.
  • As a production tool, any PANTONE FASHION + HOME Color can be selected and communicated throughout the world by using the six-digit PANTONE FASHION + HOME Color Number.
  • The PANTONE Colors are your benchmark standards that should be used to set up your primary color standards to be approved for production.
  • As a quality control tool, the consistency and accuracy of the PANTONE FASHION + HOME Colors assures reliable color reproduction time and time again.
  • COLOR MANAGER software enables digital design with all PANTONE Color libraries.



color card,


cotton card,



PRE : RAL-K7 color card for paint
NEXT : 2015 Edition PANTONE COLOR BRIDGE® Coated Color Card