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Color Card

2014 Version PANTONE SOLID CHIPS Coated&Uncoated Col

2017-09-11      Click:506

2014 Version PANTONE SOLID CHIPS Coated&Uncoated Color Card

2014Newest version

C/U TPX color swatches, for example, 518C or 7506U, two books in a set, one is TPX C color ticket and one is TPX U color ticket.(Note: C is the light color, U is matte color). Each book has 1755kinds of color; each color can be used to tear out six times

It is a necessary manual for the designers, printing workers and the color decision makers.

This new Plus Series Solid Chips: two volumes kit contains all thePANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM. It has added 420 kinds of exciting new color, they all adoptconvenient color format,attached to the drawings and digital files can realize simple and consistent color.

Cartographer, prepress professionals and printing workers existing 1755 kinds of color choice, use smooth coated paper and offset paper printing, and arranged in order of chromatography. Includes color index and design software.Two of the suit - smooth coated paper and offset paper.

Each color in contains six sheets of independent tear type color ticket sheet format printed on a pageColor commonly used separate pages can be added. Provide customized color ticket items.

color card



color card,


CU card,



PRE : 2015 Edition Pantone CU Color Card 2 in 1 set
NEXT : 2014 Version PANTONE metallic formula guide/coated Color Car