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  • 75° Gloss Meter YG75
  • Micropore gloss meter YG60M
  • Dual-angle gloss meter YG47
  • 45° Gloss Meter YG45
  • TS8560 spectrophotometer

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Product News

Customers from China National Institute

2017-09-14      Click:423
3NH company started from 1998, and produced colorimeter, spectrophotometer, glossmeter and color light box for over 19 years. Our customers are all over the world, special Chinese national institute like Railway for model NS808 spectrophotometer.


3NH company started from 1998, and produced colorimeter, spectrophotometer, glossmeter and color light box for over 19 years. Our customers are all over the world. 

Here are our customers from our Chinese national institutes for NS808 spectrophotometer for railway. 

NS808 spectrophotometer

NS808 spectrophotometer


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