
Gloss Meter
Non-contact Gloss Meter YG60L
45° Gloss Meter YG45
45°HighPrecisionGlossMeterYG45isaprofessionalinstrumentformeasuringtheglossofanobjectsurface.I -
Dual-angle gloss meter YG47
Thedual-angleglossmeterYG47isahigh-precisionportableglossmeterdevelopedby3nh.Theinstrumenthastwome -
Micropore gloss meter YG60M
MicroporeglossmeterYG60Misahigh-precisionsmall-aperturehandheldglossmeterdevelopedby3nh,whichispro -
75° Gloss Meter YG75
75°HighPrecisionGlossMeterYG75isaprofessionalinstrumentformeasuringtheglossofanobjectsurface.I -
NHG268 Multi-angle Precise Gloss Meter
NHG268 Multi-angle Precise Gloss Meter NHG268 gloss meter features with 20, 60 and 85 angle, manufac -
NHG60 Gloss Meter
NHG60 gloss meter features with 60 angle, manufactured according to ISO2813 and GB/T 9754. It is als -
NHG60M micro aperture gloss meter
NHG60M micro aperture gloss meter adopts small aperture 2*4mm, with 60 angle, manufactured according -
HG268 Tri-angle Gloss Meter
HG268 gloss meter features with 20, 60 and 85 angle, manufactured according to ISO2813 and GB/T 9754